Slump Test

The slump test assesses sciatic pain by determining if symptoms like pain, numbness, or tingling result from sciatic nerve compression or irritation.


How to perform the slump test:

Sit the patient on the edge of an examination table or chair with their legs extended in front of them.

Maintaining an upright posture while keeping the head and neck in a neutral position.

Actively flex the neck, bringing their chin towards the chest. This action helps to put tension on the neural structures of the spine, including the sciatic nerve.

While maintaining neck flexion, slowly flex one knee towards the chest and then flex the opposite knee. This action increases tension along nerve pathways, especially the sciatic nerve down the thigh.

During these movements, observe for symptoms like pain, tingling, or numbness along the sciatic nerve, which may radiate down the leg to the foot.

A positive test result occurs when sciatic symptoms like pain or tingling worsen, suggesting issues such as lumbar disc herniation or spinal stenosis may be compressing the sciatic nerve.

The slump test evaluates sciatic pain, helping clinicians plan diagnoses and treatments like imaging or physical therapy.

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