Preventing Injuries in Novice Runners: The Power of Hip and Core Exercises

A recent study sheds light on how targeted exercise interventions can make a significant difference in preventing injury in novice runners.


Study Overview

The study involved 325 novice runners, divided into three groups: one focusing on hip and core exercises, another on ankle and foot exercises, and a control group performing static stretching.

Over 24 weeks, participants followed a running program, with each group completing their respective exercises under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Key Findings

Hip and Core Group Benefits:

  • Reduced Injury Incidence: This group saw a lower rate of lower extremity injuries compared to the control group.
  • Fewer Overuse Injuries: There was a 39% reduction in the prevalence of overuse injuries and a 52% reduction in substantial overuse injuries.

Ankle and Foot Group Outcomes:

  • No Significant Impact on Overuse Injuries: This group did not show a significant difference in overuse injuries compared to the control group.
  • Increased Acute Injuries: Surprisingly, participants in this group had a higher incidence of acute injuries.


The study indicates that a hip and core-focused exercise program is highly effective in preventing lower extremity injuries in novice runners. These exercises help build a solid foundation, reducing the risk of both overuse and substantial injuries. On the other hand, the ankle and foot exercises did not provide the same protective benefits and were linked to a higher risk of acute injuries.

For new runners looking to stay injury-free, incorporating hip and core exercises into their routine, with guidance from a physiotherapist, could be the key to a safer and more enjoyable running experience.

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