Knee joint pain

Lateral knee meniscus tear

Lateral Meniscus Tear

A lateral meniscus tear is an injury to the semi-circular cartilage resulting in pain on the outside of the knee joint. It can occur suddenly from twisting or a traumatic collision. Or it may develop

Chondromalacia patella

Chondromalacia Patella

Chondromalacia patella (CMP) is damage to the articular cartilage under the kneecap. Symptoms are similar to patellofemoral pain as the kneecap rubs on the bone underneath causing swelling and pain. Medically reviewed by Dr Chaminda

Unhappy triad of the knee

Unhappy Triad of the Knee

The unhappy triad is a severe injury involving damage to three of the four major ligaments in the knee. Medically reviewed by Dr Chaminda Goonetilleke, 31st Dec. 2021 What is the Unhappy triad injury? The

Tibial plateau fracture

Tibial Plateau Fracture

A tibial plateau fracture is a break to the upper surface of the tibia (shin bone). The tibial plateau is prone to becoming fractured in high-speed accidents such as those associated with skiing, horse riding,

ACL sprain

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Sprain (Torn ACL)

An ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) sprain is overstretching or tearing of the ACL, a crucial ligament for knee stability. Common in sports, it occurs during abrupt stops, changes in direction, or impacts. Symptoms include immediate

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) results from the patella (kneecap) rubbing on the femur bone underneath. It may also be known as Runner’s knee, Chondromalacia patellae, anterior knee pain, and Patellofemoral joint syndrome. Medically reviewed by

Dislocated knee

Dislocated Knee

A dislocated knee occurs when the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (shin bone) move apart. This is different from a patella dislocation where the kneecap only dislocates outwards. It is a far more serious,

Patellofemoral instability

Patellofemoral Instability

Patellofemoral instability is a sensation of the kneecap slipping or feeling loose. It causes pain and swelling at the front of the knee and has a number of causes including previous patella dislocation injury. We

Articular knee cartilage

Articular Cartilage Injury

Articular cartilage injury is damage to the tough, thin cartilage that lines the ends of bones. It is often caused by a collision or trauma to the knee or in conjunction with other knee joint

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